Is Higher Education Worth the Price?
What is Higher Education? Higher education, also called secondary school, is defined as a voluntary study beyond high school. This usually includes a college, university, community college or technical school. There are different versions of college. There are online degrees, degrees you obtain by going to in person classes, part time classes, full time classes, or a mix between online and in person classes. Most programs average to 4 years, depending on the vocation however, some take 2 years or less. The important part is that it is catered to the individual. How much does tuition cost? In the U.S the average cost to attend college is $35,720 per student per year. The average of in state tuition is $9,580 while out of state tuition is $27,437. The cost of a private university is $53,949. Annual Cost of College Public Institutions Cost of Tuition Additional Expenses* Cost of Attendance 4-Year In-State $9,580 $16,284 $25,864 4-Year Out-of-State $27,437 $16,...